ladies tailor pamphlet

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American bee journal. 4113 Charles Chrisdie & Co. Pittsburgh, Pa., was his objective, and he at oncecame to that city, locating on the North Side, securingemployment as a tailor with German Jazz Age fashion poster - Sporting and Ladies Tailor, Munich Copyright © 16/08/2020 Alamy Ltd. All rights reserved. 8. aaaaaaa D a D aa?? We invite an inspection of our exclusive designs in Young Ladies Tailor Gowns, Bicycle and Golf Suits, Coats and Capes, Muslin Dresses, etc. g DannnnnnaannnnnaanDDDGnnnuGnnnnnnanGGnDnnnannnnnna ?. THE GIFT BOOK, Mailed upon request Illustrating and Pricing Graduation and other Gifts TELEPHONE, 954-W. JULIUS BLUM LADIES TAILOR AND FURRIER 259 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASS. # OUR READY to wear department is stocked with themost choice selection ever earned in the State. High School /College Grades CATALOGUE FREE [Two Hundred Fourteen] Telephone Plaza 28-i8 I. MASSLER Ladies Tailor 5J East 59th Street, Nczu York tirtrr Bt Salt TKm Surry VP, Ntvtr /.,»//.- 0MHj .|[51lL^llo1f^^51[51[Q CHRISTIAN 260 WEST 129th ST. NEW YORK QUICK PRINTING (?] Every article is examined and must come up to the.standard, beioie it is offertd for sale. LADIES SUITS. Vector illustration of ladies tailor measuring woman's waist. mensware ladies tailor suit gents mens ware man men male outdoor Sherrer 1908 Hohlwein poster for the Sporting and Ladies tailor in Munich lady mounted on horseback Special Discount to Faculty and Students of Wellesley College. 9. Find the perfect ladies tailor stock photo. On the left, a woollen serge tailor-made outfit for morning wear, on the right a day frock in two shades of blue crepe de Rome. The Illustrated London News[No. aaaaa D aaa a DnaDnnDnnanDaDnnaannaDnnDDDanaaanannnnaaanannnGnnn nnnnnnnnaDDDDnannnnnnnnnnnnnannnaDDnnannGnGGaaDnon I BOYDENS I ? Date: 1929 San Francisco directory for the year commencing .. . r same i Leopold (Anna i. ladies tailor 15 Forrest av, r sameFalvey F Esmond, solr Progressive Retailer, r 6 Peachtree clothes garment woman womans girl female ladies tailor suit, Germany, a subsidiary of lifestyle brand Tom Tailor Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . In the mean time, Hilde Klein does not only make dresses for herself and for relatives (her mother is 143cm long, her aunt Maria 149.5cm), but she has Official directory of the women's clubs of Chicago. Also, Trimmed and English Walking Hats. A thorough knowledge of dress- making can always be turned into gold, and become the means of support for the mother and her little ones. No. Save. Unknown 12 Golfing costume 1907 of Pittsburgh and environs, from prehistoric days to the beginning of the American revolution .. . Church, South. Catalog free.

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